Sinema, Kelly Announce Over $5.6 Million Investment for Arizona Outdoor Recreation & Conservation Projects

Jun 17, 2022

Senators urged critical funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund

WASHINGTON – Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly announced that $5,695,464 from the Land and Water Conservation Fund will be invested in Arizona outdoor recreation and conservation projects. 
“Arizona’s beautiful outdoor spaces and natural treasures are some of the best parts of our state – and we have a responsibility to preserve them for future generations of Arizonans to enjoy. Glad this funding will help protect and expand outdoor recreation opportunities in our state,” said Sinema.
“Arizonans know that some of the best time spent in our state is spent outside, which is why investing in our public lands, building new outdoor spaces, and expanding access to outdoor recreation are all worthy causes that I’m glad to support through the Land and Water Conservation Fund,” said Kelly.
The over $5 million investment will support various locally led outdoor recreation and conservation efforts, strengthening Arizona’s public lands and waters, building new outdoor spaces, and expanding access to outdoor recreation.
Last year, Sinema and Kelly urged the Land and Water Conservation Fund to ensure effective implementation of funding for conservation and recreation programs, and that critical park protection and recreational development opportunities exist across Arizona and the nation for generations to come.