Sinema Meets with Arizona Leaders of Veterans Service Organizations

Apr 10, 2019

Senator discusses veterans needs with the Vietnam Veterans of America & the Military Officers Association of America 

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with leaders of key Arizona veterans service organizations to discuss strengthening care for veterans.
“Veterans service organizations, like the Vietnam Veterans of America and MOAA, tirelessly advocate for Arizona heroes. I pledge to continue working alongside them to ensure all veterans get the benefits they’ve earned,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
Sinema met with Gene Crego, President of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Arizona State Council. Sinema and Crego discussed the need to provide all Arizona Vietnam veterans their benefits, including Blue Water Navy veterans. Sinema also met with Lt. General John Regni USAF (Ret.) and Col. Peter Kloeber USAF (Ret.), Arizona leaders of the Military Officers Association of America.
Sinema has led the fight in Congress for Arizona’s veterans.
Sinema’s first Senate bill is the LEGION Act, which extends American Legion membership to honorably discharged veterans who served since World War II. The bill ensures the thousands of brave American veterans who fought for our country during unrecognized times of war are able to enjoy the full benefits of the American Legion.
Sinema led the charge to reform the VA by championing the VA Accountability Act and the VA Choice Act in the U.S. House, both of which were signed into law. She worked with the family of Sergeant Daniel Somers, an Arizona veteran who lost his life to suicide, to introduce and successfully pass into law the Sgt Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act, which ensures veterans who serve in a classified capacity can get private counseling from the VA, and she has worked to address challenges at the Phoenix VA.