Sinema Meets VFW Executive Director, Discusses Arizona Veterans’ Priorities

Feb 8, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema met with Bob Wallace, Executive Director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), to discuss their shared concerns and how to best work together to serve Arizona veterans.

“The VFW provides crucial services for Arizona’s veterans. We’ll keep working together to ensure our veterans have the benefits they’ve earned and access to the education and job opportunities they need,” said Sinema, who serves on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Sinema and the VFW are working together to ensure the VA is serving Arizona veterans under the Mission Act, which Sinema championed in the House and was signed into law. Additionally, Sinema and the VFW agree the military retirement pay and VA disability compensation offset must be eliminated. Sinema is an original cosponsor of the Retired Pay Restoration Act in the Senate to end the offset and ensure veterans receive all benefits they have earned.

The VFW is the nation’s oldest Veteran Service Organization for war veterans. It has a membership of over 1.6 million veterans and auxiliary members and provides more than 2,000 VA-accredited representatives who provide assistance to veterans navigating the VA disability benefits process.