Sinema Questions Homeland Security Secretary & FBI Director on Border Crisis, Ransomware Threats

Sep 21, 2021

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During Senate hearing, Senator discusses need to improve border management and security to protect Arizona communities and ensure fair and humane treatment of migrants

WASHINGTON – Arizona’s senior U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema questioned the U.S. Homeland Security Secretary and FBI Director on the administration’s efforts to secure the Southwest border, steps to confront increasing ransomware attacks, and need to counter transnational criminal organizations.
“One of the significant challenges our nation and my state of Arizona face is the ongoing crisis at the Southwest border. It remains critical for Congress and the administration to work together to secure the border, protect our communities and ensure migrants are treated fairly and humanely,” said Sinema, Chair of the Senate Government Operations and Border Management Subcommittee.
Sinema questioned the Homeland Security Secretary on the agency’s efforts to improve processing capacity and capability at the Southwest border to manage the ongoing migrant crisis. 
The Tucson and Yuma Border Patrol Sectors have experienced approximately 265,000 migrant encounters this fiscal year. Sinema urged the Secretary to share with the Committee the agency’s plans to facilitate a smooth and orderly transition for the end of Title 42 public health authority to ensure the Department of Homeland Security is prepared for future challenges at the border. Title 42 is a public safety measure that can prevent some migrants from entering the United States in order to limit the spread of communicable diseases such as COVID-19.
Sinema also discussed with the Homeland Secretary and FBI Director ways Congress and the administration can work together to thwart transnational criminal organizations engaging in human and drug trafficking, and effectively respond to ransomware attacks.
In August, Sinema toured the San Luis Port of Entry and received a briefing from Customs and Border Protection leadership on current challenges at the border and the agency’s efforts to keep Arizona safe and secure. In Sinema’s recently-passed bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Sinema secured $3.85 billion in funding to modernize Land Ports of Entry. These critical resources will improve border security and trade across the nation and provide a direct impact in Arizona with the Douglas and San Luis port projects slated to receive funding.