Sinema Receives U.S. Chamber’s ‘Spirit of Enterprise’ Award

Aug 12, 2020

Senator honored for her leadership and support of Arizona employers for 7th year in a row

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce presented Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema her seventh-consecutive Spirit of Enterprise award, highlighting her support for pro-growth policies that encourage job creation across Arizona.

“I’m honored to receive the Spirit of Enterprise award and I’ll keep working across the aisle to cut red tape, fuel innovation, and expand job opportunities for Arizonans,” said Sinema.

As Arizona’s senior Senator, Sinema continues her work of maximizing economic opportunity for Arizona. Last year, Sinema re-introduced the Fostering Innovation Act, which cuts red tape for emerging growth companies on the cutting edge of scientific and medical research. Additionally, Sinema has led the HALOS Act—bipartisan legislation that makes it simpler for angel investors to fund startups.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce presented Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema with the inaugural Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award and Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship. The Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award and Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship were awarded to Republican and Democratic Senators and House members who scored the highest on the Chamber’s scorecard for leadership and bipartisanship. Sinema was the only Senate Democrat to win the awards.

Sinema has won the Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Enterprise award seven years in a row, every year she has served in Congress, highlighting her support for pro-growth policies that encourage job creation across Arizona. Last year, Sinema secured the repeal of the costly and unnecessary Health Insurance Tax, Medical Device Tax, and Cadillac Tax. The repeal of these taxes helps address rising health care costs for Arizona families and businesses and encourages investment in Arizona jobs. Sinema also successfully ensured the long-term renewal of the Export-Import Bank, which helped 37 Arizona businesses finance more than $57 million in exports, creating good jobs in Arizona and growing the state’s economy.

Recently, the independent Lugar Center and Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy named Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema the most bipartisan Senate Democrat and the fifth most bipartisan Senator during the first session of the 116th Congress in the new Bipartisan Index. Sinema also ranked as one of the most bipartisan U.S. House members during the 115th and 114th Congress by the Lugar Center’s Bipartisan Index.
