Sinema Statement on Administration’s Border Executive Action

Jun 4, 2024

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema released the following statement on the Administration’s border executive action.

“For decades, the federal government has failed to secure our border. Today’s executive action attempts to address the surge of migrants overwhelming Border Patrol agents across Arizona. While it remains to be seen if this attempt will successfully address the crisis Arizona faces every day, it’s important to remember that executive actions are not substitutes for legislation. Congress must realistically solve the border crisis.”

Last month, Sinema delivered a Senate floor speech calling out both parties for participating in political theater and refusing to realistically solve Arizona’s border crisis.

Earlier this year, Sinema was one of the three lead negotiators of the bipartisan border security bill that would have reasserted control and addressed the unmitigated security and humanitarian crisis at Arizona’s border. 

Unfortunately, partisans in Washington chose not to secure the border and rejected Sinema’s bill.