Sinema: Support Arizona Families with High Energy Bills

Mar 4, 2022

Senator’s letter comes after increasing length and intensity of heat waves in Arizona
Low Income Energy Assistance Program allows Arizona families facing difficult economic challenges afford home energy bills

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema urged Congressional Appropriations Leaders of both parties to support the Senate’s bipartisan version of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to ensure fair and appropriate support to help Arizona families afford home energy bills.
“Fairly and appropriately funding our bipartisan energy assistance program ensures Arizona families who might be facing financial challenges have safe access to essential services as heat waves continue to grow in Arizona,” said Sinema.
LIHEAP assists Arizona families with home energy bills, and weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs. Sinema’s bipartisan letter urges Congressional Appropriations Leaders in both parties to support the Senate’s version of funds that will meet the needs of Arizona families, as the length and intensity of heatwaves continue to increase across Arizona.
Click HERE for Sinema’s letter.