Sinema, Veterans Advisory Council Discuss Efforts Ensuring Arizona Veterans Receive the Care and Benefits They’ve Earned

May 17, 2022

Senator met with her Veterans Advisory Council to discuss policies, programs, and resources that enhance and support Arizona veterans

PHOENIX – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema and her Veterans Advisory Council met to discuss their ongoing efforts to support Arizona veterans and ensure they receive the care and benefits they’ve earned. 
“Our Veterans Advisory Council provides invaluable feedback and perspective on legislation, programs, and current events that impact our veteran community. I’m forever grateful for their contributions to our team and state, and look forward to partnering on future projects supporting Arizona veterans,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 
Sinema’s Veterans Advisory Council was formed to seek feedback from Arizona veterans and strengthen relationships between servicemembers, veterans, their families, and the communities that support them. Sinema’s advisory council includes 13 members with backgrounds in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
During the meeting, Sinema welcomed new members and thanked the council for the work they’re doing on behalf of Arizona veterans. Sinema acknowledged the council’s concerns on proposed changes to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) system in Arizona, and pledged to work with VA leadership to ensure any recommended changes are right for Arizona veterans. The members of Sinema’s Veterans Advisory Council provide feedback that helps determine what is and is not right for Arizona veterans.
Sinema additionally recognized concerns over proposed changes to the family caregiver program during the meeting, and reassured the council that she is working with other members of Congress and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee to provide oversight of these changes and ensure they are responsive to the needs of all veterans.
Sinema discussed her office’s upcoming projects, what the Veterans Advisory Council is hearing on the ground, and how they’ll continue working together to address challenges and opportunities facing Arizona servicemembers, veterans, and their families.