Sinema Works to Create Bipartisan Fellowship Program for Gold Star Families

Apr 19, 2021

Senator’s bipartisan program establishes a one-year paid fellowship for Arizona Gold Star family members to work in the Senate

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.) introduced legislation creating a bipartisan Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship for Gold Star family members.
“Arizona’s Gold Star Families gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, so we’re creating and expanding career opportunities for these patriots through paid Senate fellowships,” said Sinema.
This bipartisan program offers a paid fellowship opportunity for Gold Star family members to work in the Senate. The 12-month fellowship would be conducted in a Washington, DC or state office.
Last Congress, Sinema secured Senate passage of the bipartisan Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act which provided tax relief for Gold Star Families by fixing a problem with the 2017 tax law that unfairly raised taxes on military survivor benefits. Sinema also cosponsored last Congress the bipartisan Gold Star Leasing Relief Act, which enabled spouses of servicemembers who died while in military service the flexibility to end specific financial burdens and prevent a downgrade in the family’s credit rating.