Sinema’s Bipartisan Bill Expands Housing for Veterans with Disabilities

Jul 10, 2019

WASHINGTON – Arizona senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema introduced bipartisan legislation to expand Specially Adaptive Housing eligibility for wounded veterans. Sinema is cosponsoring the Paul Benne Specially Adaptive Housing Improvement Act with Republican Senator Jerry Moran (Kan.).
“Many veterans carry wounds from their service that make everyday life more challenging. That is why our bill is so important; it breaks down barriers and helps veterans access the specially adaptive housing benefits they’ve earned,” said Sinema, a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
“The Specially Adapted Housing Improvement Act of 2019 will improve the quality of life for many wounded warriors and their families by helping ensure their homes fit their abilities,” said Wounded Warrior Project CEO Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Mike Linnington. “We are grateful to Sen. Jerry Moran for sponsoring this bill and to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for co-sponsoring, and we thank them both for their leadership and great fidelity to our nation’s wounded warriors.”
“Wounded warriors face unique challenges in recovering from their injuries,” said former U.S. Army Capt. Ryan Kules, director of Wounded Warrior Project’s Combat Stress Recovery Program. “The Specially Adapted Housing benefit has helped me tremendously, and renewing this benefit every 10 years will help ensure wounded veterans’ homes can be adapted as our needs change throughout our lives.”
Currently, the number of specially adaptive housing grants offered by the VA for wounded veterans is limited and capped at a certain amount. Thanks to modern medical advancements, fewer servicemembers are dying in the line of fire, but veterans are returning home with life-changing disabilities that evolve and change over time.
The bipartisan Specially Adaptive Housing Improvement Act expands the number of grants available, increases the capped costs on each grant, and allows veterans to use grants more than once, ensuring wounded veterans continue having their homes work for their current conditions.